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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Heavy dut(t)y stress Sanjay Dutt Bollywood Actor


No Sanjay Dutt Bollywood Actoramount of working out will help relieve Sanjay Dutt from all the stress. After being burdened with court hearings time & again, followed by countless allegations & mindless gossip, the poor guy is weary to the bone. So much Sanjay Dutt Bollywood Actorso, that a couple of his vertebrae bones have suddenly given away. The big guy has been in such agony that a trip to his doctor has become as routine as a trip to the gym. Someone give Sanju Baba a jaadu ki jhappi right this minute!

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

English roses on Sunset Boulevard


Pirates and Mossgate: A tale of two Ks!

Two Sexiest of them all: Keira KnightleyBritish beauties – one who has ‘bent’ it in style in the UK movie scene and consequently Hollywood, and the other Moss who has gathered a few dazzling stones as she has rolled along in her ‘super’ modelling career. Together they represent the new wave of dazzling British celebrities and are proudly at the forefront as the most recognizable faces of that clique. We, if you have ignored the hints till now, are talking about Keira Knightley and Kate Moss. Kate Moss represented the new wave of super-models and was known almost as much for her pencil-thin figure as her drop-dead gorgeous looks. A face that has been worthy enough to launch the thousands of campaigns and dozens of top notch brands that it has, Kate started her career in 1988, when she was discovered by the founder of Storm Model Management at the JFK Airport!

At that time Keira was still a kid with severe problems in reading and writing (though officially never classified dyslexic), but that did not stop her from asking forher own agent at the ripe age of three! She overcame her limitations with enormous effort and took up acting on the side. Perhaps acting was in her genes, after all actor Will Knightley and playwright Sharman Macdonald are her parents! She got her wish of an own agent as she turned six and did small roles on TV and a few movies (mostly in her summer holidays).

Meanwhile, Kate catapulted to the status of a super-model and walked the ramps of the fashion capitals of the world. Her weight, or the suspected lack of it (“I am not anorexic,” she always maintained) made her almost an anti-supermodel, contrary to the curvaceous look that the others (like Cindy Crawford, Caludia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell) carried.

Keira was first noticed as the British friend helping a girl of Indian origin realize her dream of playing football in Parminder Nagra’s sleeper hit Bend It Like Beckham. But her piece de resistance was the portrayal of Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates movie franchise that flipped her fortunes overnight. Like a pirate stumbling on a treasure chest, she almost stumbled on to the role as she reported for the auditions in London very late (caught up apparently in a traffic snarl).

Meanwhile, Sexiest of them all: Kate MossKate Moss’s career rocketed along as she signed up prestigious campaigns including Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Chanel, and Calvin Klein. And there didn’t seem to be a survey left , which had not categorized her as one of the sexiest women in the world! What rocked her world though was the outbreak of the ‘Cocaine Kate’ scandal when the London tabloid Daily Mirror ran a picture of her sniffing cocaine. She immediately issued an apology conceding that her behaviour reflected badly on her family and friends but did not admit to drug abuse. Whispers of that had been abound for almost a decade since she checked into a psychiatric centre in 1998 due to ‘exhaustion’. It was speculated that the real reason was depression resulting from her separation with long-time boyfriend Johnny Depp.

Kate’s ex-boyfriend played a critical role in Keira’s career, as Pirates of the Caribbean swept the box-office worldwide with Captain Jack Sparrow’s antics quickly building up a super loyal fan base. The positive externality was that everyone took notice of Keira as well and soon she was one of the top of wanted lists from producers. And just like Kate, she started making it to those ‘sexiest’ lists as well. The fresh-faced girl with a cute British accent had arrived, and how! People fell in Love, Actually and the affair continues full bloom at the box-office as she looks ahead to life beyond the Pirates franchise.

Meanwhile, Kate is gathering no ‘Moss’ at all as she makes a spirited comeback putting all the controversies (the drug charges were dropped due to lack of evidence) behind her as she launches a new line of clothes for the ‘Topshop’ chain.

The British beauties remain as alluring, attractive and sought after as ever!

Edit bureau: Tareque Laskar

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Relying on Mukesh


RIL is expected to continue on its aggressive growth path, and set new benchmarks

When iRelying on Mukesht comes to Indians and food, the word “Fresh” has a universal appeal, and smoothly supersedes every credible constriction construed under the sun. If it has to be eaten, by simple logic, ‘fresh’ is how the Indians love it.

As Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) finally got off with its gargantuan retail foray in the financial year 2006-07 with a food retail chain named Reliance Fresh, a powerful connection was established for the incorrigible ‘freshness conscious’ Indian at the outset. A connection that is pan- Indian, just the way Mukesh Ambani plans to make Reliance Fresh a household name across India (RIL currently has 138 Reliance Fresh stores in place), which is, in turn, a stepping stone to his becoming the Indian version of Wal-Mart. The company has also launched its foray into consumer electronics with Reliance Digital.

Grandiose“...we have Made substantial investments in our future growth engines...” is how Mukesh Ambani envisions every one of his old and new ventures, and lately he’s been quite preoccupied with setting up new behemoths that should one day be living examples on their own. And with the kind of numbers RIL shows up on its balance sheet, one wouldn’t dare to doubt Mukesh’s exuberance as evident from his investments, as the financial year 2006-07 proved yet again.

Despite facing volatility in the prices of crude oil, an unexpected incident at the Jamnagar plant, production loss owing to floods at the Hazira unit, Reliance Industries came out triumphant by creating a new chapter when its net profits crossed Rs.100 billion mark, exports that surpassed $15.02 billion and a turnover that stands at $25.51 billion. Mukesh Ambani, CMD, Reliance Industries, while speaking on the announcement of his company’s results sounded ecstatic, “2006 – 07 has also been an eventful year for the company. While our petrochemicals & refining business recorded its best ever performance, we have made substantial investments in our future growth engines such as E&P and retail...” As on June 7, 2007, the RIL scrip closed at Rs.1669.15, pole-vaulting by over 100% year on year. On May 28, Mukesh’s personal valuation in RIL made him the first trillionaire of India.

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Ambitious Ambanis!


on to know the latest about India’s famed fable…

IfAnil Ambani it’s true that Dhirubhai Ambani infused life into India’s moribund stock market, than it won’t be an exaggeration, if one were to conclude that both Anil & Mukesh have kept that life, that vigour & vitality very much intact.

It’s the investors that have always stood by Reliance and that’s because of tremendous wealth created by both the brothers even after the de-merger of the business. The m-cap of Reliance Industries stood at Rs.1,153 billion, as on June 8, 2007 compared to Rs.683 billion a year ago, a smart 69% increase, what else could an investor ask for?

For 2006-07, Mukesh Ambaninet profits of Mukesh Ambani controlled – Reliance Industries crossed Rs.10 billion mark. The turnover was up by 24% and touched $25.51 billion mark, while exports crossed the $15.02 billion mark accounting for 12% of aggregate exports from India. The net profits of Anil Ambani controlled – Reliance Communications reached $209 million and revenues at $851 million in a short span of time.

While Mukesh continues his romance with black gold, Anil has forayed intonext-gen business like Financial services & Telecom and plans to supersede some of the established players. Two different set of business lines, but in the line with investors’ expectations!

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Warming up for doomsday?


From Mumbai Monsoon Madnessan apt mix of heat and water paving the way for new life forms to this present state of global warming, human needs and technology have consistently given the earth an increasingly deadly makeover ever since we started rolling the first wheel. Are we drawing our doom closer?

Mumbai Monsoon Madness
Although Mumbai Monsoon Madnessmany fingers were pointed at Bombay Municipal Corporation for bad maintenance of sewage lines, it is unlikely that any amount of preparation could’ve helped on July 26 ’05. 37.2 inches of rain, all in a matter of 24 hours, brought the entire city and other parts of Maharashtra to a standstill. Such was the magnitude of the downpour that parts of Bengalooru and Rajasthan too were affected. Pune based Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology did a study and found out that although the average rainfall in India remained pretty similar, rainfall patterns have changed drastically over a period of around 50 years. It showed increase in heavy rain events and its frequency and a decrease in moderate events, especially in central India.

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Monday, September 10, 2007

Environmental risks?!?! Grrmph!

IIPM Alliances

Guess what! Companies are now refusing to reveal environmental risks!

Now Environmental risks?!?! Grrmph!that the climate change discussions have moved from controversial to conventional, and economists expect the world to lose a mammoth 2.6% in terms of GDP this year due to extreme weather events (in fact, the loss in regional GDP will be a killingly massive 6% for the developing and South Asian nations by 2100 – see B&E issue dated February 22, 2007), the question that surfaces is how deep, financially, will the cut be in the global corporate world?

Digest this! The most famous and recent survey conducted on S&P 500 companies by US based Ceres, the leading coalition of environmentalists and institutional investors, found out that only a quarter of the respondents posses measurable emissions reduction targets and have decided specific time frames to accomplish the same. On the other hand, “Most companies in sectors with lower emissions, such as healthcare, retailers, and banks, have been largely unresponsive to the financial risks they face from climate change,” Ceres spokespersons bemoaned to B&E. In a benchmark fashion, by picking up the impact of hurricanes in 2005 as an example, while nearly half of S&P 100 companies reported definitely measurable impacts from these hurricanes, the losses related to ‘Katrina’ and ‘Rita’ in the third quarter of 2005 were estimated to be nearly $4.5 billion. Compellingly, top of the line companies like Bell South recorded a loss of $102 million for asset impairment and $136 million in other expenses.

But now comes the most worrisome of all the findings of the Ceres survey. Analysts forecast that the impact on investors is going to be disastrous, especially for the long term ones, as most of the companies still do not provide any kind of climate risk disclosure to their investors, clearly ignoring the investors’ right to know the environmental risks attached with the company they are investing in. Astoundingly, nearly one third of the respondents of the Ceres survey did not even allow their responses to be made public. Unless global regulators make the inclusion of such details as mandatory, and unless such clear double-speak (of hiding details of environmental risks) invites legal action, Enron could well be the most ethical firm this side of the 21st century!

Edit Bureau: Deepak Ranjan Patra

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IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Friday, August 31, 2007


The following points are the prime criterion for selecting, short-listing and ranking the winning ads in this section:
• Product positioning clarity
• Clinching benefit to the brand
• Presence of a power idea
• Visibility of brand personality
• Expectancy of communication
• Single-minded focus of message
• Reward to the prospect
• Visually arresting
• Painstaking craftsmanship Here’s the 4Ps B&M verdict for the fortnight ended May 22, 2007. First come the print ads, then the TVCs. Ready for a piece of action?

BRAND: Hutch
HEADLINE: “I’m standing at the 107th floor balcony, sipping chai”
BASELINE : Travelling abroad? Tell…………Hutch Home Calling Card.

4Ps TAKE : It’s Hutchsummer time, and everyone loves the idea of going on a summer holiday! But, how all of us crave to share the small moments that become stale by the time we are back. Now, Hutch’s Home Calling Cards is cashing in on this very sweet sentiment. The power idea is to lure both business as well as leisure travellers this season into buying Hutch’s recently launched calling card. The USP? This card works with any local phone in 95 countries. The visual is attractive with the Home Calling Card’s picture in black and pink and the white background stands out. The communication is smart and crisp. While the 107th floor denotes a foreign country, the feeling of sipping chai at the balcony is one which needs expression and that’s where these Calling Cards come in handy. The ad tries to draw an emotional connect as its body copy says: Travelling abroad? Tell everyone how it’s going to be with the Hutch Home Calling Card. So, the next time you plan a foreign trip, you know what connects you to home, don’t you?

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Thursday, August 09, 2007

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MBA students recommended IIPM as the 5th best B-School in India With more than 1500 B-School in India, it speaks volumes about IIPM
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Monday, August 06, 2007

IIPM Press Release :- “I’m Bad!” Gosh, really?!

IIPM Alliances

They’ve known black, they’ve known white; wonder if “it don’t matter”?

It’s Michael Jacksonnot just the first name and the last syllable of the last name that Michael Jackson and Michael ‘Mike’ Tyson have in common। Two figures who have seen both the proverbial zenith and nadir of their careers under unprecedented media glare; both Tyson and Jackson remain, at worst vilified as celebrity villains and at best, personalities with strong affinity for controversy. Their talent is unquestionable, as is their penchant to surround themselves with situations so eccentric that they bordered on the fictional. Their lives have been full of events that tabloid and paparazzi fodder is made of and if their lives can be said to be running on parallel tracks, those tracks surely belong to a roller coaster.

Tyson battled a strife-torn childhood in a notorious Brooklyn neighbourhood before his boxing talent was spotted at school by a juvenile detention counsellor, Bobby Stewart। Tyson trained under him and later under the legendary Cus D’Amato (a trainer who had trained Floyd Patterson among others). After a decent start (24 wins 3 losses) as an amateur, Tyson turned pro in 1985.

Michael Jackson, who went on to become the King of Pop, meanwhile had spent his childhood performing as a part of The Jacksons and his solo career took off with the album Off The Wall in 1979, one that spawned an incredible number of four top ten hits worldwide including Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough that won him a Grammy।

On the other hand, shooting at the top of the boxing popularity charts was Tyson, with TNT in his fists, knocking out reputations and opponents with unmatched ferocity, emerging unfazed as the youngest man to have won a heavyweight title belt। The nickname ‘Kid Dynamite’ captured the Tyson aura the best. It all came unhinged in the 1990s when a string of disasters struck his career. First came the shocking loss to rank 42-1 outsider James ‘Buster’ Douglas who knocked Tyson out in the 10th round. Then, in 1991 he was arrested and later convicted of rape which sentenced him for 6 years (released after serving three). Tyson converted to Islam in the mean time and took the name Malik Abdul Aziz.

Jackson’s career graph continued to spiral upwards phenomenally as his follow up album Thriller became the best selling album of all time। The ones that came next were no mean feats themselves – Bad, Dangerous, HIStory all were albums that were global smash hits. Jackson set a new trend with stylish and expensive music videos that drew huge audiences, and as his fan base grew, so did the media scrutiny of his private life. Initial accusations of child molestation were raised in 1993 and 10 years later in 2003, he went on trial, charged on seven accounts of child molestation. The trial which began on Jan 31, 2005 acquitted him of all charges, but his image took a beating. Amidst all this, he managed to release Invincible, the album that debuted at No.1 in 13 countries!

MikeMike Tyson Tyson career went from bad to worse as he defended his WBC title (won from Frank Bruno in 1996) fighting Evander Holyfield, to whom he surprisingly lost under controversial circumstances as the Tyson camp complained about Holyfield’s head butts। Tyson’s fall from grace was completed in his second bout against Holyfield in June 1997, where enraged by the alleged head butting tactics of Holyfield, Tyson bit off his opponents ears in a shocking display of barbarity and raw emotion. Tyson never recovered from the incident and got into numerous legal problems later, going to prison for a second time on charges of assault. ‘Kid Dynamite’ suddenly became ‘The Baddest Man on the Planet’.

One has been named ‘Most Successful Entertainer of All Time’ by the Guinness World Records and the other ‘The #1 Most Outrageous Character in Modern Sports History’ by ESPN। Together they have hogged more space in pop and tabloid media than perhaps all other celebrities combined! Today, while Jackson still remains wildly popular, Tyson battles anonymity and bankruptcy, picking up the pieces from a burnout of what could have been high flying careers of enviable exemplars.

Edit bureau: Tareque Laskar

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Friday, July 13, 2007

Who am I?!?


Chakmas have no nation... sadly

On AugustMarching Refugees 15, 1947, the Indian tricolour went up in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT); but fate, rather the British, had something else in store. Sir Cyril Radcliff e, head of the Boundary Commission, awarded the CHT to Pakistan. On August 18, the Pakistani army marched in, pulled down the Tricolour, and hoisted in its place the star and crescent Pakistani flag. The region has experienced trouble since then. In 1972, operations by the Bangladeshi army in the region led to a mass departure of Chakma refugees into the neighbouring Indian state –Tripura. Today, these Chakma refugees live in feeble settlements, while the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees does not consider them as refugees. All they receive from the Indian government has been the measly daily quota of 400 grams of rice and some money for survival. Recently in 2004, and after decades of demands and protests, the descendants of the Chakma refugees (who were born in Arunachal Pradesh between 1964 and 1987) were included in the voters’ list. Still, these stateless people live in utter misery. Bangladesh refuses to accept their existence while their citizenship claims have been denied by India as well. Concerted diplomatic efforts are then urgently required for them.

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Spiderman creates history; yet again!

IIPM Alliances

Marking Spiderman-4another glorious page in the history of Hollywood, Spiderman-3 has beaten all the previous records and captured the crown of ‘widest opening’, as it was launched in 4,252 theatres. It is also the highest first-day grosser in the North America. The previous record of The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest ($55.8 million) was outdone by Spiderman-3 as it amounted to a total collection worth $59.3 million. And yes, that’s not all, the aficionados have some more to look forward to from the kitty of Sony Pictures Entertainment, as already in plans is Spiderman-4.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Nokia nukes all competition!


Wanna Nokia N95view slide shows while on the move but without the hassles of carrying a lap top? Then Nokia N95 is just for you. It’s equipped with a 5-megapixel camera and the Carl Zeiss optics facilitate real-life imagery. The gizmo also comes with a well-designed package that enables the user to browse the internet, listen to music, watch slide shows, all without compromising on any feature. And there’s more! This incredible phone has a search application whose service is available across 8 cities in India, giving location details of popular spots in each of those cities. Get ready to shell Rs 40,249 for this fully-loaded Nokia phone.

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bank... of India & growth


Strict credit monitoring, organizational restructuring coupled with various tools has helped the bank

Prudence Bank of Indiaand caution are the only religions at Bank of India (BoI). A multi-pronged strategy of strict credit monitoring and organisational restructuring, coupled with various strategic tools, has helped the bank in attaining desired results. Consider their positioning: Bank of India – Rishton ki jamapoonji. Add to that some great advertising that tugs emotions and this bank is certainly going places. With a strong pan India presence and over 20% of its total business coming from overseas operations, BOI continues to sail smoothly on a strong growth trajectory. For FY 2006-07, the bank not only posted a 60% surge in its net profit, but has also been able to enhance its asset quality by bringing down NPAs.

Nowadays BoI is keeping very busy, what with a plethora of acquisitions, strategic alliances, international expansions, capital augmentation, new product launches, et al. A 76% stake in an Indonesian bank, a joint venture with the largest Japanese Insurance company, 63 new branches, a new branch at Antwrep, Belgium, online share trading services and many more... Market watches are now wondering – what’s next?

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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IIPM Publication :- Electronically Yours
A Potential Antiobesity Drug
Google has become the most used search engine
IIPM & 4Ps Release :- Search me if you can, lazy bones!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Nokia awakens from a deep slumber...


...launches low-cost handsets, but success is still far!
In the 4Ps B&M issue dated 8-26 December, our cover feature titled Nokia – Disconnecting People, had talked about how Nokia’s over emphasis on hi-end models in the Indian market would not bear fruit and that the company should focus on the entry-level market. With competitors like Motorola and Sony Ericsson belligerently charging ahead on one hand and Nokia’s market share witnessing further dilution, on the other, the Finnish handset-maker seems to have realized the wisdom in our words. On May 3, Nokia launched not one, but seven new entry-level mobile handsets. Of these, Nokia 1200 & 1208 are aimed at first-time consumers, whereas, Nokia 1650, 2660 & 2505 are CDMA-based handsets. The balance two are Nokia 2630 and 2760. All these handsets will cost anywhere between Rs.2,200 to Rs.5,000 and are expected to see the light of the day by the third quarter of 2007. Soren Petersen, Senior VP-Mobile Phones, Nokia avers, “Innovative phone sharing technology, contemporary design and easy to use features combine in these products.”

Soren also sang paeans about the importance of the Indian market to Nokia, underlining the need for the mobile giant to put into motions some urgent strategies to somehow stop the decline in market shares. From a high of 78.8% in February 2006 to about 67% at present, Nokia’s market share has fallen considerably since the launch of Motorola’s stylish, yet low-cost handsets. Unveiling these 7 new babies seems a last ditch rescue operation by the Finnish giant. But it is an uphill task. While close competitors have roped in Bollywood hunks Hrithik and Abhishek to entice consumers, Nokia’s marketing blitz still lacks the requisite Indian punch. Is Helsinki listening?

4Ps B&M Research: Surbhi Chawla

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Spidey casts a magic web


Spider-Man 3 is already on the prowl and has been doing some great business globally (having had the best ever opening on Tuesday in countries like France, Italy, South Korea and Hong Kong). In all, it has already picked up $29.15 million in 16 overseas markets and has beaten the opening day collections of the previous two “Spider-Man” films in each market. In India, the movie was released on May 4 and is doing well.

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IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Thursday, June 14, 2007

IIPM Press Release :- Stop! Red Light!


Truckers to be careful on the highway... in ways more than one!

AIDS is that four letter word that usually spells death or a short life of extreme pain, and not always physical alone, as the body withers away against the onslaught of the killer. With no known cure, the disease that has reached pandemic proportions in some parts of the world, is so debilitating that the infected are usually left with little option other than awaiting their fate – their final date with death. Against such a determined killer, the logical response should ideally be of similar, if not greater, magnitude but alas, from our political parties and busy ‘culture police’, that would be expecting a little too much.

What happened in New Delhi on 16th April during a campaign to create awareness about HIV/AIDS amongst the trucker community was an apt demonstration of putting the cart before the horse. The absurd brouhaha raised over the Richard Gere-Shilpa Shetty kiss while the original hero of the truckers – Sunny Deol – looked on, turned out to be nothing better than what Gere described it himself before the apology – a ‘circus’! Not only did our self styled ‘culture cops’ scoff at what was nothing more than an exaggerated gesture of friendliness, they also ended up trivializing the cause for the benefit of the assembled 4,000 odd truckers, losing it in the moral melee.

AIDS is a growing problem in India with 1 in every 200 already infected, making it the country with the second highest number of HIV infections after South Africa. This pernicious proliferation owes a lot to the 6 million truckers and their helpers plying on the national highways. Away from homes and wives for long periods, the promiscuous ways of these truckers, added to which their ignorance and reluctance about condoms, render them at a high risk of contracting AIDS. They, in turn, go on to infect their wives, and later, children. This mirrors the classic pattern of the spread of AIDS in Africa, where it was the lorry drivers who first contracted the disease and then passed it on to their families. Even today, in parts of Africa, where there are lower incidences of HIV and AIDS, are those that have no or fewer highways. According to UN estimates, India is not far from surpassing South Africa at the dubious record of maximum AIDS and HIV cases in the coming decade.

At Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar, Asia’s largest transport hub on the outskirts of Delhi, 7,000 truckers from all over India converge each day to haul freight to and fro from the capital. This is also where they solicit the services of prostitutes operating from the truck stops for as little as Rs. 30! With most of the intimacy being unprotected, it’s not uncommon to see long queues in front of the solitary STD clinic of the area. Gonorrhea and Syphilis are common, but in recent years, AIDS too has joined the list. About 15% to 18% of truckers tested here have been diagnosed to be HIV positive, which isn’t any less an alarming prospect considering the scenes at many other such transport hubs across India. What is needed, perhaps now more than ever, is to combat this looming catastrophe with creating awareness among truckers about the risks unprotected sex exposes them and their families to. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Richard Gere wanted to do.

Edit bureau: Amarpal Malhi

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IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Singita Private Game Reserve, Cape Town, South Africa

Renowned Management Guru

Finishing first in the Travel and Leisure awards, 2006, the Singita Private Game Reserve boasts of everything African with a tinge of the West to suit all penchants & proclivities.

THE VIEW: Located in the spellbinding Sabi Sands area, the Singita Private Game Reserve is situated right in the heart of the Kruger National Park.

ARCHI-TYPE: Comprising five luxury safari lodges in the heart of the pristine forests – the Ebony Lodge, the Boulders Lodge, the Castleton, Lebombo and the Sweni Lodge – Singita redefines ‘fierce’ magnifi cence by the hour!

BON APPÉTIT: Countless cuisines abundant, the Singita kitchen remains fragrant all day long with delectable flavours and ingredients, typically African. And the wide array of exquisite wine matured in the temperature-controlled cellars for that perfect taste render the best culinary experience ever!

AROUND THE CORNER: The Sand River, Sweni, the Kruger National Park and the Lebombo Concession, thriving with elephants, wild buff aloes, prides of lions, leopards, antelopes et al make your safari worth its while!

FROM UNDER THE CARPET: A malaria vaccination and mosquito repellent is recommended on all occasions…

IN ESSENCE: You’ll watch in bewilderment the sheer variety and profusion of the most exotic flora and fauna that you could ever have imagined!

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (and Economist) Initiative

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Now you see it...

Renowned Management Guru

...now you don't! Democracy still a mirage for Bangladesh
It is not only the floods and droughts that cause havoc in Bangladesh. Politics too is capable of causing chaos at a decent enough scale to keep the country in a constant state of flux. For more than three decades after independence from Pakistan, the tiny South Asian nation has been struggling to establish a viable democracy based on the rule of law. The latest in the series of misfortunes afflicting Bangladesh relates to the stalling of the election process. Thanks to that, the very survival of the political parties and democracy is at stake.

The army-backed puppet caretaker government, headed by former Central Bank chief Fakhruddin Ahmed, added a fresh dimension to the existing political turmoil by asking the political chiefs and the former prime ministers belonging to the two prominent political parties to seek exile in foreign land. Both the Awami League leader Sheikh Hasina and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party chief Khaleda Zia were being urged to remain permanently out of the country. However, intense international pressure made the emergency government retract this undemocratic decision. The net result is that Hasina, who was stranded in London for more than a week, is now permitted to return. And bizarre is the word that one would use to describe the working of the interim government, which just doesn't have the mandate to take such sweeping decisions. That such ad-hocism could ignite the simmering discontent was totally ignored by the authorities. Sanjay Bhardwaj of Jawaharlal Nehru University told B&E, “In their urge to get back the lost power, the two parties might get into a street-centric political system."

Those who understand the Bangladesh military, are hardly surprised at the current political impasse. The so-called government is merely acting as a handmaiden of the army, which intends to keep the entire polity under a tight leash. In order to avoid opprobrium from the international community, the army is using the interim government's shoulder to fire the shots. The primary aim of the army behind curtailing politicians' powers is to perpetuate a military dictatorship. And this precisely is the worry among the analysts, who feel that the army will demonise the political class to an extent that people will have no choice but to accept the junta as a fait accompli. Ayesha Kabeer, Editor at Probe, a news magazine in Bangladesh, told B&E, “The two parties are weakening and the leadership struggle might split them.”

But this is not to suggest that the politicians being booted are above board. It is a sad story that for the past 35 years, the two political dynasties of Bangladesh have been milking the country dry (it's estimated that the two dynasties have been amassing wealth at the rate of about $5 billion a year, over the past 15 years, through their corrupt practices). The mendicancy of these politicians has reached such heights that foreign aid (to the tune of $40 billion) is estimated to have been siphoned off over the past three decades.

To obliterate the rampant greed inherent in the system, the government now plans to launch a “new brand” of democracy to encourage & promote competent people like Nobel laureate Mohammad Yunus into the political arena. Although the intention is good, the methodology being adopted is far from satisfactory. While some moves of this government are appreciated, a consensus building approach is critical. At this rate, the country is slated to be either moving towards a ruthless dictatorship or total anarchy with no "Mukti Bahini" in sight.

Edit bureau: Rajeev Kumar Singh

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IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative

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